33 CALF News • April | May 2021 • Field Use Proves Success of Normycin 300 ® LA By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor NORBROOK, INC. , of Lenexa, Kan, is pleased to note the efficacy of their product, Noromycin® 300 LA. Eric Moore, DVM, and Bruce Brinkmeyer, Norbrook food animal marketing manager, North America, spoke to CALF News during the Cattle Industry Winter Reboot in February. The duo explained the efficiency of using Noromycin®300 LA in treatment of calves and stocker cattle. First, the product may be purchased without a veterinar- ian’s prescription, a plus for convenience and for cattlemen experienced enough to know what medicines will work in their herds. It is approved for treatment of bacterial pneumo- nia, pinkeye, calf scours, hoof rot, diphtheria, leptospirosis, wooden tongue, metritis and wound infections. The Pinkeye Nemesis Anyone with a cow-calf operation has suffered through summer pinkeye outbreaks. Noromycin®300 LA has proven to be an effective, low-cost treatment and can be administered in a smaller dose than an LA 200 product. Specifically, Moore explained the benefits of treatment of grass cattle and stockers headed into backgrounding lots. Many of these cattle are given a macrolide prophylactic upon arrival to their destination. Although they are expensive rela- tive to oxytetracycline, they come in a small dose, are effective and easy to administer. The beauty of Noromycin®300 LA is, if these cattle contract pinkeye later, they will respond more successfully because they have not been treated with an oxytetracycline product previously. What Makes This Product Unique? In a world of oxytetracycline, Noromycin®300 LA delivers the same treatment levels in a smaller dose. It is 50 percent more concentrated than conventional LA200 products. The Norbrook representatives recommended a 4.5 ml/cwt. dose for a seven- to eight-day duration, or a 3 ml/cwt. dose for a two- to three-day duration. They reminded us that all administration must be on label , so be sure to check with your veterinarian. It is also impera- tive to treat your veterinarian well – a good veterinarian/client relationship is essential to any operation. An additional product, Noromycin®300 Pro LA needs a prescription and would be a better fit to mass treat new cattle off the truck, if needed. Finish It Right Noromycin®300 LA is widely available and will successfully treat nearly every disease that is commonly found on a farm or ranch. The product has a 28-day withdrawal, and Moore and Brinkmeyer advised producers always to double check the label on every product used before an animal is treated or shipped. Grass yearlings can benefit greatly from the addition of Noromycin ® 300 LA to pinkeye treatment protocol. Norbrook, Inc., celebrated 50 years as a company in 2020. It has been owned by the same family since its inception. They most often produce a generic brand of product after patents have expired; those most successful will go on later to wear the Norbrook name. Dr. Moore comes from a family of veterinarians; his father and great-grandfather practiced before him. He has served 10 years in private practice, enjoying the cow-calf sector spe- cifically. After teaching at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine for two years, Moore spent time at Schering-Plough before moving on to Norbrook. CAPITOL LAND & LIVESTOCK The Schwertner Select program is a health based program aimed at weaning a calf in its healthiest, natural environment. 254.527.3342 In business since 1946, we are committed to delivering quality, country fresh calves and yearlings on time at a guaranteed price. Schwertner Select
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