
39 CALF News • April | May 2021 • Betty Jo, “Inappropriate and Unlady- like” (Feb./March 2021 CALF News ) was the best article I have read in any publication for years. Kudos to writer Patti Wilson.  JAY O’BRIEN Amarillo, Texas Betty Jo, Just an email to let you know that we really enjoy getting CALF News ! This last issue (Feb./March 2021) was excellent and very relevant to us. We are opening a brand new processing plant, Route 66 Meat Processing, in Sayre, Okla. My son-in-law is the operator. Also, the Chef John Tesar (“Where’s the Really Exceptional Beef?”) is a childhood friend of our friends. The articles are so infor- mative and helpful! Thanks for a great job!  DOUG HICKEY Sayre, Okla. Betty Jo, Just a note to tell you how much I enjoyed the [Feb./March 2021] issue of CALF News . I started reading a couple of eve- nings ago and didn’t stop until I hit the back cover. In regard to the story on packer capacity (“Packing Industry Future Looks Strong,” Feb./March 2021), have you seen the report that Dustin Aherin has done on the need for increased capac- ity? Great issue.  DON CLOSE Rabo AgriFinance Chesterfield, Mo. Betty Jo, I have been reading CALF News for over 40 years and look forward to each issue. It’s the only magazine I read from cover to cover. However, I don’t read it in the orthodox method. I start at the back and work forward. I start with the CALF’s Featured Lady, then Baxter Black and Recollections, then go to the articles. I read Gypsy Wagon last. Why I do that I can’t tell you, but I’ve always done it that way. I thoroughly enjoy your magazine and, like I said, it’s the only one I read in its entirety. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep reading.  JOHN MCGAUGH Oklahoma City, Okla. Betty Jo, Loved the Heroes Among Us story about Mary Engle Pen- nington (“Inappropriate and Unladylike,” Feb./March 2021). Keep up the good work.  LARAYNE TOPP Wisner, Neb. Letters to the Editor