
31 CALF News • June | July 2020 • Storage Your way! Round or Square bins, made to order! FCS MANUFACTURING, INC. Your Bulk Storage Experts! Gridley, Ks # 620-42-4200  500-6,000 bushels  Truck Loadout, Replacement Bins, Feed, Fertilizer  Dry flow-able material and liquid bins  Nation wide shipping Storage Your way! Round or Square bins, made to order! FCS MANUFACTURING, INC. Your Bulk Storage Experts! Gridley, Ks # 620-42-4200  500-6,000 bushels  Truck Loadout, Replacement Bins, Feed, Fertilizer  Dry flow-able material and liquid bins  Nation wide shipping Storage Your way! Round or Square bins, made to order! FCS MANUFACTURING, INC.  500-6,000 bushels  Truck Loadout, Replacement Bins, Feed, Fertilizer  Dry flow-able material and liquid bins  Nation wide shipping Storage Your way! Round or Square bins, made to order! FCS MANUFACTURING, INC.  500-6,000 bushels  Truck Loadout, Replacement Bins, Feed, Fertilizer  Dry flow-able material and liquid bins  Nation wide shipping Clyde Smith (MS) 601-540-613 Chad Holt (TX) 903-272-5010 Kyle Latham (TX) 254-715-2162 Gary West (TN) 731-335-3023 Jeff Anslinger (MO) 816-244-7340 Bryan Sundsbak (SD) 605-209-0559 Logan Kennedy (MO) 417-592-1764 Molly Folot (NE) 970-218-1185 TWO GREAT MLS MINERAL TUB PRODUCTS AVAILABLE WITH CLARIFLY™ LARVICIDE OR ALTOSID ® IGR FOR FLY CONTROL ●Balance of trace minerals & protein ●Developed for use on native forages ●Weather proof mineral delivery MLS #1 HI PERFORMANCE MLS #12 HI MINERAL ●Controlled, Consistent Consumption ●4 – 6 ounce daily intake ●Replaces bagged mineral products NO WASTED MINERAL!!! GFI also treads on the false claims that animal agriculture is destroying the environment. It expounds upon the use of antibiotics in meat production. The website states, “Imagine a food system where the most affordable and delicious products are also good for our bodies and the planet … Just as modern automobiles replaced the horse and buggy, better alternatives will replace conventional animal agriculture.” Nonetheless, the market is there for these products. In her presentation to the livestock congress, Rabschnuk pointed out that, although the plant-based alternative meats are popu- lar with vegans or vegetarians, 93 to 95 percent of Beyond or Impossible burgers are bought by meat eaters. “Plant-based meat is a $1 billion market,” she said. Another range of so-called meat products is just over the horizon. Several companies are developing cell-based beef, pork, poultry and seafood. One is Memphis Meats of Berke- ley, Calif., which takes cells from animals and cultivates it into muscle. Eric Schultz, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and vice president for product development, said the entire process from cell to meat takes from four to six weeks. Since the product is developed from actual cells from a steer, pig or chicken, he terms the products as true meat. “We will need two times more meat in the next 50 years,” he said, noting that cell-based meatballs were developed in the company’s labs in 2016. “We will need every tool at our disposal. If the rest of the world adopted the same diet as the U.S., we would need four Earths [to produce that much meat].” Big names are backing Memphis Meats. Cargill and Tyson have joined Bill Gates and others to provide invest- ments of more than $160 million for the company. Schultz, who confessed he loves true beef and was ready for some Texas barbecue, noted that cell-based products are not ready for commercial production and likely won’t b for several years. He stressed that Memphis Meats is not anti-beef. “We are fundamentally dependent on high quality genetics produced by producers in this room,” he said. “We’re always looking for producers who would partner with us.” For more detailed information on Memphis Meats, visit . To better understand GFI, go to . There’s a short TED talk from Bruce Friedrich, GFI co-founder and executive director, which further explains his anti-animal agriculture mission.  VOICES FOR 'MEAT MIMICS' Continued from page 21 Eric Schultz, Ph.D.