15 CALF News • June | July 2021 • Gov. Stitt’s support for animal agriculture has paid divi- dends for other industries. It’s estimated the Cattlemen’s Con- gress boosted Oklahoma’s economy to the tune of $30 million. Organizers are pushing for it to become an annual event. You’d think PETA would learn that it’s not smart to insult Bible-believing people and those who make their living feeding the world. Or call their governor meathead. But I’m sure I speak for all Oklahomans when I say, “Thank you PETA – and Governor Polis.” E-mail comments to election. Of course, Gov. Polis can count on the vegetarian vote. But there’s more to this story. While the National Western Stock Show in Denver was postponed due to the pandemic this year, Oklahoma hosted the first ever Cattlemen’s Congress in January. The 12,000-plus entries exceeded the entries in last year’s National Western. And guess who was helping hand out awards at the event? Gov. Stitt, who announced, “When other states said ‘no,’ they’re shut down, in Oklahoma, we said, ‘Let’s go, let’s make it happen.’ In Oklahoma, we’re always going to fight for the ag community and this way of life.” 254.527.3342 7 th C a p i t o l L a n d & L i v e s t o c k 1 9 4 6 • S c h w e r t n e r , T e x a s • 2 0 2 1 5 ANNIVERSARY Celebrating 75 Years Service to the Cattle Industry
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