
15 CALF News • October | November 2018 • ©Kemin Industries, Inc.and itsgroupofcompanies2018.All rights reserved. ® TM TrademarksofKemin Industries, Inc.U.S.A. THE CHROMIUM LEADER FOR 20+ YEARS QUALITY & SAFETY: IT’S ALL BY DESIGN. Kemin knows chromium. Our commitment to chromium promises to provide you with a high-quality, safe and efficacious product to help your animals reach their optimal performance while boosting your bottom line. with five ships and 270 men to sail around the world. Three years and 42,000 miles later, one ship and 18 crew members returned. Magellan was not one of them. He was killed in the Philippines. Magellan’s experience exacted a high price, but it was the first step in establishing a new, global business model. That was a revolutionary concept when not many years earlier the world was believed to be flat. Experience is a process of trial and error followed by more trial and error. Or as my friend Mel Winger once told me, “Sometimes you just have to fumble.” You gain experience the more you fumble. Eventually, you eliminate what doesn’t work from what does work. But as Magellan discovered, that process doesn’t come without a price. Call it tuition in the school of hard knocks. The problem with experience is that you’ll never have enough of it. Experience will only take you to where you are today. It’s what you experience tomorrow that will take you into the future. So, get out your checkbook. Tuition is due for the next semester.  E-mail comments to