
23 CALF News • October | November 2018 • The industry is changing; it’s time to take cattle feeding down a new road. Recent advancements in cattle nutrition have opened new routes to help limit pulls, treatment and positively benefit the health of an animal. Adopting a new measure of prevention through the feed is an important first step to help minimize delays on the road ahead. Take a new road with ProTernative ® - a proven probiotic that positively activates the immune system of cattle during times of stress. ProTernative works in the lower gut to influence the animal’s natural immunity through an internal active process that only a specific, robust and active live yeast can deliver. The road you’ve always taken doesn’t cut it anymore. Feed ProTernative and take a new measure of prevention. PROTERNATIVE-THE NEW MEASURE OF PREVENTION LALLEMAND ANIMAL NUTRITION Tel: 414 464 6440 Email: Not all products are available in all markets nor are all claims allowed in all regions. ©2016. ProTernative is a registered trademark of Lallemand Animal Nutrition. To compound this problem, most forages in the Southeast do not have balanced trace minerals. Why does it work? ITMs reliably remove trace min- eral imbalances and bypass nutritional antagonists. The trace minerals (copper, selenium, zinc and manganese in Multi- min®90) are fully absorbed in eight to ten hours. Immune response is also increased when they are administered the same day as vaccines. For cow-calf folks, it simply enables both cows and bulls to reach their peak fertility during breeding season. It is suggested to use ITMs on bulls 45 days prior to turnout, and a minimum of 30 days prior to breeding for females. ITMs are not seen as a miracle prod- uct, taking poor producers forward by leaps. They increase production efficiency by increments, sometimes in the 4- to 5-percent range. Over a period of time, it pays well in other ways that cannot be measured. How effectively do your calves respond to a vaccine? How well do your cows overcome stresses from weather or parasitic infection? These are areas that are hard to determine in the field, yet they are palpable. More facts Multimin®90 is for use in cattle only; other species of livestock need a different mix of TMs. For example, Multimin®90 would be toxic to sheep because it con- tains levels of copper that are appropriate for bovines but fatal to ovines. Depending on the trace mineral status of the animal, injected trace minerals may be used immediately, and some are stored in the liver, making ITMs a longer term solution. ITMs are regulated by the FDA. They constitute a prescription product due to the fact that they’re injectable, contain selenium and are used in food animals. It is recommended that cows be treated prior to breeding and re-treated at preg check time or 30 days prior to calving, as trace minerals supplied to a fetus come directly from the cow. Havenga says one problem he has seen is a “more is better” attitude from some cattle producers. More is not always better, and it is entirely possible to over- dose cattle with ITMs. Please administer the product according to label directions. Antibiotic use in livestock will continue to be regulated on an ever-increasing scale. It is important that we continue to find ways to make cattle respond better to our vaccines and help boost immune systems in a natural manner. Consumer pressure will be the driving factor. Prod- ucts such as ITMs, digestive aids like yeasts, or natural immune system enhanc- ers will be a driving force in improvement of livestock health. Parting thoughts Dr. Havenga is careful to contact customers first, working from“the bottom up” to ensure that he finds out what cattle people need. He’s always grateful for honest feedback from producers. I think cattle folks are grateful for Dr. Havenga’s careful research. It works both ways. 