39 CALF News • October | November 2018 • Being more central and having state-of-the-art show barns and arenas, many of them with air conditioning, has not only increased the number of exhibitors at the state fair, but has brought in national breed shows such as the National Jr. Hereford, Simmental and Chianina shows, held earlier this summer. AK-SAR-BEN, held for decades in Omaha, is now home to its exhibitors as well (it also was landlocked and unable to expand). 2018 will be the second year AK-SAR-BEN will be held at Grand Island. The location may have changed, but as with the first State Fair in 1868, Nebraska’s products, talents and people are still showcased. From 2010 to 2018, the Nebraska State Fair at Grand Island may well have seen its 3 millionth visitor enjoying some of the Nebraska good life. TEXAS FEED FAT CO., INC. TEXAS FEED FAT CO., INC. P.O. Box 1790 • Durant, Oklahoma 74702 We specialize in Quality Feed Fatand Quality Service. Leaders in the feed fat industry since 1974! Durant, Oklahoma Ted Kirkpatrick (580) 924-1890 Hereford,Texas Kirk Sehi (806) 363-6490 calltoday! AreYour CowsAnd Calves Receiving Their Essential FattyAcids? Better Health, Better Calves, Better Beef. ©2018 NBO3 Technologies Low-cost, superior delivery of essential fatty acids makes greatOFeeds the better choice for animal health. For more information, visit or contact us at . 8877 Green Valley Drive • Manhattan, KS 66502 brought to you by C M Y CM MY CY CMY K NBO318_CS_039_CalfNews_QtrPg_091818_PR.pdf 1 9/18/18 9:47 AM Brenda Masek, Region 2 vice chairman of member services, takes orders at the Nebraska Beef Pit. Who can resist a baby lamb? This is one of the few places the general public can see new lambs and hatching chicks. The Birthing Center is one of the most popular attractions at the fair. Despite persistent crowds, the room is usually quiet enough to hear a proverbial pin drop.
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