
13 CALF News • October | November 2020 • at earlier ages and it is showing,”Thom- son says.“If you watch the numbers over the years, we continuously make increases in cattle properly managed for feedlot entry, which pays off huge dividends in health and performance. “We are seeing improvements every year. More and more cattlemen are choosing to provide proper management and care for their cattle before sending them off the ranch. I am proud of people who take the time to acclimate their cattle to the human/animal interaction.” Paschal says producers who have used vaccines in the past are improving their protocols, while smaller producers may lack the resources to treat their calves and breeding stock. “Many producers are doing a good job with their vaccination programs,” he says. “For more than 30-plus years, those who have always done a good job are doing a better one. They›re paying more atten- tion to vaccines and timing.” Lawrence agrees that the use of vac- cines could be improved.“Still, the appli- cation of this important management tool is highly variable,” he contends. Paschal points out that many smaller producers “lack interest, skills or equip- ment to do it right, even the first time. Not all smaller producers grasp the positive aspects of preparing their calves through better vaccination and weaning programs, and that’s where we need to work in the future.” Traceability, Animal ID, Better Stewardship Needed The demand for high-quality beef continues to grow. But so does knowl- edge of their origin, how they were han- dled and the drugs they were given. Like it not, traceability will be a requirement for future animal health treatments. “We will see animal ID and traceability,” Thomson says.“This will provide more transparency in how cattle are treated before coming to the feedlot and make the biggest improvements in cattle health.” He adds that, since many cattle are sold two or three times before getting to the feedlot,“they will be exposed along BETTER ANIMAL HEALTH Continued from page 9 with their vaccine history. People doing it right need to step up and use animal ID and traceability to get increased prices for their stock.” Thomson says the better calves are handled early, the less need there is for antibiotics. “In a feedlot, about 90 percent of the antibiotics used in beef production are to control liver abscesses,” he says. “The second largest use of antibiotics is mass treatment on arrival. The more we do to prepare animals for feedlot entry, the fewer antibiotics will be used for metaphylaxis [controlled treatments before cattle become ill].” “With less dependence on antibiotics, we improve our stewardship,” Paschal adds.“Genetics will likely be of benefit, too. Breeding better cattle, preparing them and recognizing health issues or potential issues earlier are going to be important.” Lawrence sees better tools to enhance immunology and reduce the need for antibiotics. “As we learn more about the bovine genome and immunology, we will likely see more immune modulators enter the market as an alternative to antibiotic therapy,” he says. Thomson says the industry can’t keep all animals from getting sick and requir- ing an antibiotic to recover from their illness. “We have a great system that produces the safest food in the world,” he explains. “We can always get better, but we will not see big decreases in antibiotic use in feedlots until we have a non-antibiotic answer for liver abscesses.” Expect to see an increased dependence on documentation of all animal health treatments, especially those from a veter- inarian. BQA manuals recommend using a processing map to record the treatment product, where and how each injection was administered, and the dosage. Paschal encourages producers to further develop their relationships with their veterinarians. “Those who have adapted and improved animal management and husbandry, nutri- tion, vaccination programs and developed or enhanced their veterinary relationship are experiencing fewer negative impacts than expected, financially,” he says. “They’re seeing improvements in produc- tion and likely profitability. Lawrence says the industry should expect more pressure on antibiotic use on cattle, which could slow new product development. “I worry that we are approaching a drought in new drug development,” he warns.“Given the negative public senti- ment regarding antibiotic therapy in food production, I suspect new product development does not have the same impetus that it would have had five to 10 years ago.” ‘Un-Domesticating’ Cattle Thomson has another worry.“One thing that has hurt cattle health is less human/animal interaction,” he says. “Animals that don’t trust people won’t show clinical signs of disease. “We unwind bales off our flatbeds and we’re only outside the cab long enough to cut the bale wrap. We have fence-line feeder wagons where we never have to get out of the tractor to feed cows. Then, when we doctor sick cattle in the pasture, we roll down the window and ‘shoot’ them [with medicated darts]. “All of this is ‘un-domesticating’ our cattle herd, which causes big issues at the sale barn and feedlot. If they come to the yard not knowing that a person is their caregiver, or what a feed bunk or water tank is, or if they haven’t been vaccinated, castrated, or had their horns tipped, they’re starting from a position of distress on the their health. “That’s regardless of the use of antibi- otics or vaccines.” Doctoring cattle – yes, it can be trying. But it’s a necessity, along with a long list of other animal health-related chores. Changes in drugs and the way they’re administered will hopefully make it all worthwhile, especially when calves can bring an extra $10/cwt., or more from the buyer. 