
15 CALF News • April | May 2018 • YEARS OF CHROMIUM EXPERTISE 20 © Kemin Industries, Inc. and its group of companies 2018. All rights reserved. ®TM Trademarks of Kemin Industries, Inc. U.S.A. KemTRACE ® CHROMIUM: DESIGNED FOR YOU Our commitment to chromium promises to provide you with a high quality , safe and efficacious product to help your animals reach their optimal performance while maintaining profit . It’s what makes KemTRACE Chromium essential to you and your operation. KEMIN KNOWS CHROMIUM. Only Kemin has devoted more than 20 years of research to the benefits of chromium propionate while bringing this essential trace mineral to millions of animals around the globe. See the science at sustainability requires them to venture outside their silos and collaborate with other segments of the industry. They talk in terms of partnering with others, not in a business sense but as an extended family bound together by a common purpose. They’re not just focused on feeding their families, but are focused on feeding a hungry world. What does sustainability look like? Everyone holds a piece of the sustainability puzzle. To put that puzzle together the question has to change from,“What does sustainability mean to you?” to “What does sustainability mean to the 10 billion people who will inhabit the earth by the year 2050?”We’ll have to double food production to feed them. That’s the big picture.  E-mail comments to