
21 CALF News • February | March 2018 • Likewise, on the backside of a stress event, we are able to replenish those same stores by helping the animal recover and return to a comfortable state. Every nutrient has a purpose in the body, from expressing genetic performance potential and hormone function, to blood clotting and digestion. Minerals and vitamins are a catalyst in the bio-chemistry of the body that stimulate how biological systems will perform when faced with adversity. Working with a reputable nutrition- ist or feed company is very important. These individuals will work with you to take full advantage of your feed resources and suggest the appropriate supplementation programs when needed. Q: What are your thoughts on the use of yeast and botanicals in feed additives? Hagedorn: There is a growing amount of research that shows these components influence the microbial population of the rumen and/or the animal in a positive way. That said, I urge you to be cautious of additives claiming to be a “silver bullet.” There is not one botanical, extract or yeast that can alleviate stress symptoms as a whole. This is because one botanical may affect the physiology of the animal by increasing vasodilation to help dissipate heat, while another may influence the pH of the rumen, generating a buffering effect. Other botanicals might be beneficial for the microbial population of the rumen. This is why working with a nutritionist or feed company to find the right blend is so crucial. ADM’s product, RumeNext®-B, is a unique blend of bioactive botanicals and extracts focused on modulating the negative effects of stress. ADM has invested over 15 years of research (both internally and at the university level) to identify and better understand the impact of these bioactives. ADM is committed to utilizing existing research and developing a better understanding of how these botanical and bioactive components play a key role in supporting human and animal health. CitriStim ® is smaller than other yeasts used in animal nutrition. The use of yeast, which has a history of benefiting rumen microbes, should also be discussed with your nutritionist. ADM’s proprietary ingredient CitriStim® is a proven, truly unique, whole-cell yeast product (Pichia guilliermondii) that helps modulate body defense mechanisms by binding patho- Continued on page 23 