23 CALF News • April | May 2018 • Comfortable cattle perform. Stop the disruption caused by stress . Logos are© ofADMAnimalNutrition™, adivision of ArcherDanielsMidlandCompany Quincy, IL6 2305-3115USA ADMAnimal • 866-666-7626 For artques tions: callTracieHall at 217-231-2 239 or 370 470 138 PantoneColorSwatches Typeface/Font Modulate stress symptoms with natural bioactives RumeNext ® is a blend of natural botanical extracts designed for enhancing the animal’s comfort level and ability to cope with stress. Founded on 15 years of research. CitriStim ® is a unique, whole-cell, inactivated yeast (Pichia guilliermondii) that can help cattle fortify their defenses against health challenges. A smaller yeast, CitriStim has 4x more surface area per pound, thereby exerting a greater positive influence within the intestinal tract vs. traditional yeasts. Pichia guilliermondii yeast (CitriStim) Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast (most other yeasts on the market) Fortify defenses against health challenges OUTLINEDVERSIONSFORUSEONDARKBACKGROUNDS: • 800-775-3295 • gens in the gut of the animal. CitriStim® is smaller than Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a common yeast used in animal nutrition. Because CitriStim® is smaller than other yeasts, CitriStim® has four times greater surface area per pound. More surface area per pound gives CitriStim® greater exposure within the animal’s intestinal tract. Q: What successes have you seen with these additives? Hagedorn: Dan Heyle, an ADM customer operating Hill- side Angus in Bethany, Mo., shared,“Since including the EF/ Breeder product (a blend of botanicals and yeast from ADM) in my nutritional program, I have seen better conception rates and overall body condition. My cattle are out grazing on hot summer afternoons when the neighbor’s cattle are in the shade or in the pond.”Dale Moore, another ADM customer in Gage, Okla., also shared his success after incorporating RumeNext®-B into his cattle’s diet: “I first came to know of ADM’s RumeNext®-B through a trusted friend who had experience with the product. As soon as we began feeding it, I started tracking intakes to see the impact it had on the cattle. I was very surprised to see intakes increase with our natural cattle and then stabilize. The intakes stayed up all summer long, similar to cattle that were on an NHTC program and fed an ionophore. I also definitely saw ADM Customer Dan Heyle pictured with his herd. a change in my cattle’s behav- ior, and they appeared to be more comfort- able. We had more cattle lounging and eating when they should be, rather than all standing around the water tank. The feed intake was something we could track, but the overall positive physical appearance and behavior was more noticeable. I was excited about the results and will be using the product again next year.” To learn more about ADMAnimal Nutrition and its prod- ucts for helping cattle cope with the effects of stress visit . CitriStim, RumeNext® and ADMAnimal Nutrition™ are trademarks of Archer Daniels Midland Company. HEAT STRESS Continued from page 21
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