Category: Latest Issue

Trading and Volatility
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor Will Rogers once said, “An economist’s guess is liable to be as good as anybody else’s.” I don’t claim

Cattle Trailers Are Rolling Beef Industry Billboards
By Megan Webb, Ph.D., Contributing Editor As fall rolls in, cattle producers are moving their herds from summer pastures to crop residues or dry lots

Calf’s Featured Lady: Chloe Durian
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor They say that if you need something done, ask the busiest person you know for help. Our October Cameo easily

FROM CANOES TO SEMIS- A Brief History of Livestock Transportation
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Railroad transit of livestock endured until the end of World War II. It faded away with the improvement of roads

The Shape of Things to Come
By Jim Whitt, Contributing Editor In 1968, I took my date to the Poncan Theatre. I had no real expectations of what was playing but

The Bovine Relocation Society
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor As reputations go, that of “bull hauler” may be one of the most colorful. I’ve met a number of them

Taboo No Longer-Mental Health Used to Be Something Nobody Talked About. That’s Changing.
By Burt Rutherford, Contributing Editor “The Greatest Generation” earned that name in many ways. They endured the Depression as children and World War II as

MAKE A SECURE BEEF SUPPLY PLAN- Be Prepared for FMD or Other Foreign Animal Disease
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor It’s inconceivable, but detecting foot and mouth disease (FMD) in even one bull, cow or calf could shut down the

SPICER GRIPP MEMORIAL ROPING- Hereford Roping Payout Hits $780,000-Plus
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor At CALF News, we love covering traditional, cattle-oriented events that spark the spirit of farm, ranch and cattle feeding communities.

Luckenbooths Edinburgh, Scottland
By Lance Geiger, Contributing Editor Haggis, a “pudding” made of sheep offal mixed with oats and onions, is seen by many to be the national