Category: Hot off the Grill

Tailgating – a History Lesson
By James Coope Contributing Editor Fall is home to football, food and festivities. Each week, tens of millions of Americans watch football on TV, and

The Art of Grilling Pizza
By James Coope Contributing Editor People have been cooking with fire for hundreds of thousands of years. Early cooking involved the use of fire

Tomato Ketchup and Henry J. Heinz, Part 2
By Josh Geiger Contributing Editor Editor’s Note: A major part of the grilling experience here in the United States is the hamburger. For those gathering

Ketchup Before Tomatoes, Part 1
By Josh Geiger Contributing Editor Editor’s Note: A major part of the grilling experience here in the United States is the hamburger. For those gathering

Hot off the Grill- Shop Local
By James Coope Contributing Editor While attending the Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show (CattleCon) earlier this year in New Orleans, I was impressed

First Time on the Grill
By James Coope Contributing Editor One of my fondest childhood memories was helping my dad grill steaks in the backyard. We had a simple hibachi-style

A CALF News BBQ Party
MASTERING THE MODERN CHATEAUBRIAND by James Coope Chateaubriand is perhaps the most decadent and tender beef roast, and a traditional favorite meal for special occasions

Sans the Onions
By Micky Burch, Contributing Editor Much like Mrs. Bird on my all-time favorite television show Downton Abbey, I consider myself a plain cook, equipped with