By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor
Heather Larson of Lexington, Neb., is the product manager for Micro Technologies ACCU-TRAC Scale system. We spoke at length about their scale software application in May.
Larson says ACCU-TRAC has been on the market for many years, but ACCU-TRAC Scale is a newer, value-added feature. The ACCU-TRAC Scale is installed primarily in beef feedlots and dairy farms. It is used in conjunction with existing approved scale indicators.
The ACCU-TRAC Scale application is National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) certified by the National Conference of Weights and Measures. Producers should look at their current scale software for the NTEP certification to reduce business risk.

Larson explains that some large feedlots maintain scales on two or more sites. These may now all be connected into one database, easing the labor input for employees and lessening the chance of mistakes or misplaced scale tickets. She is glad Micro Technologies provides an opportunity to reduce time spent by dedicated personnel at work and give them more time to spend with their families. Explaining why this software is superior to others, she says it is very customizable, user friendly and can be used with approved scale indicators. It is seamlessly integrated into the ACCU-TRAC Feed Inventory System and offers advanced reporting. Customers can gain valuable insight into their business and make data-driven decisions that can help them grow and succeed.
She adds that the program comes with on-site training for employees. This normally takes about two days, but every case is handled with flexibility. The user-friendliness accommodates all age groups. After initial training, help is available via phone 24/7/365. She says new customers are urged to “call, call, call” with any questions.
Larson is a Nebraska native, previously having worked in a large animal veterinary practice. She joined Micro Technologies in 2018, providing customer support and software installations in Nebraska. She is currently one of three product managers for ACCU-TRAC, serving clients in every state.
According to Larson, the best thing about her job is the opportunity to bring innovative and efficient technology to customers, citing the “scalability” of ACCU-TRAC. She enjoys her co-workers and the chance to visit with them at company meetings.
“As we look at continuous improvement for the ACCU-TRAC systems, we stand behind the philosophy of innovation, value creation and service,” she says.