By Betty Jo Gigot, Publisher

It’s Stock Show time in Denver, heralding the beginning of fairs and livestock shows across the country. The pictures of the Longhorn steers parading down 17th Street and announcements of the upcoming events including the Governor at welcome receptions are in direct dichotomy with his ongoing feud with the state’s cattlemen over the reintroduction of wolves. Known as a Cowtown for most of its history, “and then the wolves came” has become a very expensive and fiery confrontation between the state government and rural interests.
Speaking of fiery, our industry literally lives and breathes on what Mother Nature brings forth every day. Blizzards, floods, drought and, yes, fires, are all part of our daily coin toss as to profit or loss and literally life and death of the animals in our care and the land we are stewards of. As we watch the utter devastation taking place in California, we probably understand as well as any the shock and despair of the total lose of control of their lives. We also understand that not only Mother Nature but misplaced decisions by leaders who do not understand the landscape they are controlling can cause utter destruction, too. My first husband, George, was a proud forest ranger for his entire career but came to realize mismanagement of natural resources by the government was a disaster waiting to happen, and it happened again. This time in California.
As I write this, fires are still raging and all of us hope it will end soon. How it can all be handled I have no idea. Perhaps insist ponds that are paid for are actually built and the forest is managed, not just allowed to grow uncontrolled. Also, remember that the Santa Ana winds come every winter.
I do hope after all is said and done, lessons will be learned. Lessons about standing up for yourselves, your livelihood and your rights when mismanagement is obvious and strong, educated voices are needed. Water management and care for the land should be No. 1 for everyone. We in the cattle industry have learned to deal with Mother Nature as well as possible and have formed associations like the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association to fight the battles as they develop. Be a part of the solution.
On a lighter note, the picture here shows Linda Lockwood, writer of this issue’s “Where’s the Beef,” Michael Lombardo, owner of Carmine’s Steak House, and me. I end up spending a lot of time in the St. Louis area and am absolutely delighted with the food available there. Recently, on our visit to Carmine’s, a chat with the server led to meeting Lombardo along with Chef Michael Green. The Lombardo family is famous in the area and in the hands of the fifth generation. Carmine’s is one of the multi-family restaurants in town and a delight to visit. Don’t you love places that welcome you and are very, very proud to serve the beef we produce. From the ranch to the feedlot to the processor to Carmine’s, we all do our part, a proud part.
It is time to vote for the Cattle Feeders Hall of Fame inductees again. Nominees for 2026 are Bob Foote, Foote Cattle Company; Dallas Horton, Horton Feedlots and Research Center; Glenn Mull, Mull Farms and Feeding, Inc.; Jeff Rudolph, Hi-Gain Feedlot; and Kent Bamford, Bamford Feedyard. The Industry Leader Award nominees are Kenny Eng, Ph.D., Kenneth S. and Caroline McDonald Eng Foundation; Temple Grandin, Ph.D., Colorado State University, and Greg Henderson, Drovers. You can vote at
Spring is on the way and here’s to green grass, healthy calves and profitable sales of beef, our part of the center of the plate.