Tag: All In
ALL IN – Winds of Change
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor I awoke this morning to the sounds of the wind as it swooped across the flat plains from the Southwest.
ALL IN: Weathering the Storm
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor Charles Marion Russell’s watercolor of a starving cow surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves is one of his most
The Rural vs. Urban Mindsets
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor For the most part, people trust the system. We need to make sure that remains true. THERE IS A TENDENCY
Reprogramming Behavior
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor IT SEEMS LIKE WE’VE been talking about traceability forever. I remember back in the ‘90s the topic crossed my desk
Environmental Stewardship
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor I have to admit that there is a streak of environmentalist in me. It’s a practical type of environmentalism, but
Truth In Labeling
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor I write this from a motel room between bull sales. Yep, it’s that time of year. My wife tells me
It Boils Down to Supply and Demand
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor My wife is a realtor. It isn’t the same thing as a packer, but for some reason, I see a
Down the Rabbit Hole
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor At some point in my college years, I became a huge fan of both science fiction and fantasy fiction. Needless
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor Sometimes we just need a little rain. This past summer was dry across much of the West. New Mexico, where
A Lesson In Free Trade
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor It is likely that trade has been around as long as the human race has existed. I have something you