Tag: top stories

SPICER GRIPP MEMORIAL ROPING- Hereford Roping Payout Hits $780,000-Plus
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor At CALF News, we love covering traditional, cattle-oriented events that spark the spirit of farm, ranch and cattle feeding communities.

OCA Convention Tackles Ranch Succession, Estate Taxes, Traceability and the Checkoff
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor Oklahoma Cattleman’s Association (OCA) CEO Michael Kelsey has been a cattle association executive for more than 27 years. Despite the

RAMP Up the Benefits of Starter Rations
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor Feedyards seek rumen-pleasing rations designed to boost animal health and generate more efficient gains. When it comes to getting calves

USDA Feeder Cattle Grades Explained-Here’s What USDA Market News Reporters Do at the Sale Barn
By Burt Rutherford, Contributing Editor “They called ‘em whaat?” That’s an exclamation likely uttered throughout the history of the cattle business by sellers and buyers

The Xylazine Conundrum
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor What is xylazine? In short, it’s a drug many of us will find on our vet supply shelf. We call

The Cattler App Improves Feedyard Efficiency
By Gilda V. Bryant, Contributing Editor An innovative app developed by Argentina beef producer Ignacio Albornoz is now used by ranchers in 15 states, Canada

Strategies to Manage High Prices and Risk
By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor No matter how high the finished price, marketing fed cattle at a strong profit is rarely easy. Even with low

WILL YOUR CALVES BRING A PREMIUM? Getting Paid for Quality Cattle
By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor With breakevens that push $190 to $200/cwt., feedyards are seeking the best quality of cattle to place on feed. And

Zinc Is Essential to Beef-on-Dairy Success Dairy Crosses See Stronger Performance
By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor With herd rebuilding still at a snail’s pace, feedyards will likely see more beef-on-dairy cattle in their pens the next

Service Vet, You Bet
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Mark Turney, DVM, is a high-energy guy. He requested a visit with CALF News, having some thoughts he wanted to