Tag: top stories

Ed Barrett- Cowboys Are Made … Not Born
By Betty Jo Gigot Publisher In November 1996, the CALF News Cattle History series featured Ed Barrett, a cattle feeder who started his career in

On Second Thought: Alternative Meats Revisited
By Walt Barnhart Contributing Editor Five years ago, the meat industry was challenged by companies wanting to capture a segment of the traditional meat market.
Volatility in the Market Place
Producers often experience price shocks due to discrepancies in supply and demand, which are rarely understood in real time. Usually only after the

Update: HPAI in Dairy Cattle- Likely spread by wild birds, producers are cautioned to watch for HPAI in Cattle.
By Burt Rutherford Contributing Editor It began as a mystery disease in dairy cattle and has become, as of this writing, an emerging animal health

Animal Health Issues- How to Handle Them
By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor From antibiotics usage to high-tech disease monitoring, there are animal health-oriented products and services that can help cattle producers prevent

Ruminant Animals Finally Get a Break
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Imagine some red faces in the anti-beef crowd. After decades of steady vilification by doctors, nutritionists and environmentalists, ruminants are

USDA Advances Market Inclusivity RuleNew Ruling is One of a Series
By Burt Rutherford, Contributing Editor For most beef producers, the old joke that, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help,” still brings a

Gypsy Wagon June July 2024
By Betty Jo Gigot Editor & Publisher Some weeks are tougher than others and we here at CALF News had a bad one last week.

Slaying Dragons
By Chris McClure “If you can’t take the heat, don’t tickle the dragon.” – Scott Fahlman Scott Fahlman is an MIT graduate who completed his

Don’t Leave Money on the Table Numerous USDA Programs Can Help Recoup Taxes
By Burt Rutherford Contributing Editor “The amount of money guys are leaving on the table is crazy,” says Kim Lott, CFO and co-founder of