Eternal Optimism – the Cattle Feeder’s Disease

Eternal Optimism – the Cattle Feeder’s Disease

By Chris McClure  Contributing Editor


The grass is getting short because it’s been so hot and dry.

The cows are getting thin and it’s no wonder why.

Those calves are big this year because of early summer rain.

It’s time to get them off and let the cows put on some gain.

The market has been hot because the numbers are still down.

Let’s gather up those calves and send them on to town.

Call Tucker and line up the trucks for Saturday.

I know that he will get it done without any delay.

I’ll call Tom at the feedyard and make sure he has some space.

It seems this time of year they can be hard to place.

If he doesn’t have room, we’ll send them to Bruce or Brian.

If they can’t take them, we’ll just have to keep on tryin’.

Almost everyone is selling them, but I think I will retain

Because I believe we’re going to see some outstanding gain.

They’re saying it’s a bumper crop of corn in the Midwest

And conversion on these calves is going to be among the best!

The calls are placed, the calves are shipped, the cows have settled down.

The banker greets the rancher with a big old ugly frown.

“Are you crazy? I hope this move don’t sink your boat.

The market’s strong and prices high, you should just pay down your note!”