Tag: Chuteside Manner

New World Screwworm – So, What’s the Big Deal?
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor We sometimes think that events happening far away won’t affect us; we are immune by distance. Occasionally, we are proven

ANTHRAX The Spores That Never Die
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Anthrax has raised its ugly head once again, this time in Wyoming where several herds in Carbon County have been

The Xylazine Conundrum
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor What is xylazine? In short, it’s a drug many of us will find on our vet supply shelf. We call

Service Vet, You Bet
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Mark Turney, DVM, is a high-energy guy. He requested a visit with CALF News, having some thoughts he wanted to

Ruminant Animals Finally Get a Break
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Imagine some red faces in the anti-beef crowd. After decades of steady vilification by doctors, nutritionists and environmentalists, ruminants are

INNOVATIVE FEED ACT What’s That All About?
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor U.S. cattle producers are at a certain disadvantage compared to European stockmen. Why? We are unable to benefit from the

Methane Digesters: Miracle Technology or Discriminatory Evil?
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Farm methane digesters are most notably used on large dairies and confinement hog units. They are now becoming a more

Life-Saving Microbe
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor As you head out to the chute to treat a sick steer, have you ever pondered where that bottle of

Clearing the Next Hurdle
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Our world is not the same place as it was even a few years ago. Agriculture, once a seemingly unnoticed

Veterinarian Shortage Intensifies
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Marty was upset. He had received a letter from his alma mater asking for a donation to a scholarship recipient