Tag: Chuteside Manner

Texas Cattle Fever- It Put the ‘Tic’ in Politics
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor The long and storied history of our industry would not be complete without taking a dive into the dipping vat

Replacement Heifer Development
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor As La Niña appears to be making a welcome comeback, U.S. cattlemen are preparing to rebuild a depleted cow herd.

Epigenetics: Entering the Next Frontier
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Scientists are speculating that the Genetic Age is over in terms of research. Entire genomes of plant and animal species

Bluetongue Virus: Annoyance or Tragedy?
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Few health issues are as insidious and difficult to deal with as bluetongue virus (BTV). Many of our readership may

The Most Dependable Means of Traceability
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor In a world of technology that’s advancing at the speed of light, there are one means of traceability that is

‘Son, Water Is Your Cheapest Gain’
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor The tragic, heat-related deaths of feedlot cattle in the Plains states this summer sent me scrambling to write an appropriate

Surrogate Sires – The Latest Reproductive Development
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Chances are pretty good that if you’ve owned beef cows, you are familiar with artificial insemination (AI). You’ve either employed

Leaps of Technology
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor It is difficult for a paper-and-pencil kind of person to wrap my elderly head around the latest health technologies that

Do You Have Your CHAPS On?
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Commercial cattlemen can be left in the dark about the goings-on in their cow herds. I am not talking about

Interaction Is Teaching
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Kids sit in schools, classrooms and at the kitchen table for a good part of their young lives and are