Tag: Environment

Climate Change – Will It Be Mitigation or Adaptation?
By Will Verboven Contributing Editor Most folks involved in commercial production agriculture have already seen the relentless march of climate change (CC) ideology begin to

It’s All About Efficiency
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor As we sit at a point of very low numbers in our national cow herd, it is time to get

Canadian Government Tries Carrot Approach to Reduce Cattle Methane
By Will Verboven Contributing Editor Cattle producers know that, sooner or later, their governments will force methane reduction regulations on their industry. Progressive governments and

HEADS UP: 2024 Weather Rides a Roller Coaster
By Burt Rutherford Contributing Editor Adios El Niño and howdy La Niña. That’s the weather event that will shape, by and large, what happens in
Time to Buzz the Pasture Expanding Uses for Drones in Cattle Production
By Heather Smith Thomas Contributing Editor Drones were once a novelty, but new technology has made them practical for crop monitoring and livestock management. Drones

Maximize Rain-Revived Pastures With Sound Fall Range and Pasture Management
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor One of the driest spells ever was broken this spring and summer by drought-busting rain that blessed the Southern Plains
VIABLE ALTERNATIVES- Texas Company Provides Innovative Water Solutions
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Rainfall and groundwater vary widely across our country. Often, eastern areas have more than adequate precipitation. Some Nebraskans can stand

What Does Sustainability Look Like in Cow-Calf Operations?
By Jayden Osborne Contributing Editor During the spring of 2020, the entire world was faced with a pandemic that plagued consumers with uncertainties and worry.

Can Water Rights and Water Conservation Co-Exist?
By Gina Gigot Contributing Editor On December 15, 2022, an AP headline read: “This Is the First time the Kansas Water Authority Has Voted to

ALL IN: Weathering the Storm
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor Charles Marion Russell’s watercolor of a starving cow surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves is one of his most