Tag: On the Edge of Common Sense
Looking Back on Baxter Black
AS MOST OF YOU KNOW, our friend Baxter Black hasn’t been feel- ing well recently, so we went on a search in the CALF News
David and Goliath of Television
By Baxter Black, Contributing Editor “The farmer has always been a peasant.” – Richard Blinco, Idaho When the market crashed in 1975, Richard had a
Do It Yourself Kit
By Baxter Black, Contributing Editor This notice was found on the side of a first-calf heifer at the sale barn: CALF KIT INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSEMBLY
Political Correctness
By Baxter Black It’s coming! Political correctness in the animal kingdom! I have conferred with those fervent homogenizers of the once-colorful and descriptive English language
The Yellow Ribbon
The women stood in line. Her eyes stared vacantly. Her face was gaunt. A thin film of dust covered her clothing. The weight of the
Cleaning Up Messes
By Baxter Black Ask yourself, “Do you make messes, or clean them up?” Missy is 53, would rather be at home with her two grandchildren,