Day: August 10, 2022

Water Is Closer Than You Think U.S. Needs to Force a Decision
By Will Verboven, Contributing Editor WATER SCARCITY IN THE U.S. Southwest has become a critical issue, and ways to resolve it are becoming more impossible.

Sans the Onions
By Micky Burch, Contributing Editor Much like Mrs. Bird on my all-time favorite television show Downton Abbey, I consider myself a plain cook, equipped with

It’s Time to Declare Our Independence Again
By Jim Whitt, Contributing Editor If you want to know what led to the creation of the United States of America, you have to read
Be Proactive to Head Off Animal Rights Threats
Animal Rights Activists Combine Old and New Tactics to Destroy Animal Agriculture By Burt Rutherford, Contributing Editor “Animal rights activism is not new. It’s been

Young Stockman – Eric Frenzen
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Fullerton rancher Eric Frenzen has found success in succession. The third generation to tackle the family purebred cattle business, Frenzen

Reprogramming Behavior
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor IT SEEMS LIKE WE’VE been talking about traceability forever. I remember back in the ‘90s the topic crossed my desk

Education of a Lifetime Part 2
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor In the June/July CALF News we took a look at Jess Ebert’s foray into the Kansas Agricultural and Rural Leadership

CALF’s Featured Lady – Carol Jarzynka
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Carol Jarzynka is a beacon of hope in her community. The lifelong cattle producer is cancer free for 14 years,

Counter-Intuitive Science Reveals CAFO’s Contribution to Greenhouse Gasses Despite the Science
By Burt Rutherford, Contributing Editor Contrary to the emotion-infused debate over cattle’s contribution to greenhouse gas and climate change, confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) aren’t

Planes and Cows Why Traceability and Planning Matter
By Megan Webb, Ph.D., Contributing Editor HAVE YOU BEEN WASHING your hands and monitoring your health more? Like me, are you tired of the constant