Day: February 10, 2023

KineticVet Announces Availability of RE-COVR™
For Immediate Release May 24, 2022 KineticVet Announces Availability of RE-COVR™ RE-COVR™ (Tripelennamine Hydrochloride Injection) Lexington, KY—RE-COVR™ KineticVet announces FDA approval of RE-COVR™ (tripelennamine hydrochloride

Epigenetics: Entering the Next Frontier
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Scientists are speculating that the Genetic Age is over in terms of research. Entire genomes of plant and animal species

Can Water Rights and Water Conservation Co-Exist?
By Gina Gigot Contributing Editor On December 15, 2022, an AP headline read: “This Is the First time the Kansas Water Authority Has Voted to

OUR DAILY LIVES: The Effects of Weather on How We Live
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Weather. It is a broad subject – too broad to write about even in general terms, and too personal to

William C. (Bill) Foxley
By Betty Jo Gigot Publisher Editor’s Note: An April 1996 CALF News feature titled “The Quiet Giant” spotlighted one of the most creative and successful

PRIME POINTS: Is Your Operation Prepared for the Next Winter Snowstorm?
By Megan Webb, Ph.D. Contributing Editor Preparing for winter storms is inevitable and doesn’t tend to be the favorite chore among operations, but preparedness is

ALL IN: Weathering the Storm
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor Charles Marion Russell’s watercolor of a starving cow surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves is one of his most

BEEF-ON-DAIRY SEES MORE VALUE: Southwest Drought Could Round Up More Interest
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor Beef-on-dairy feeding has become popular in recent years. The alternative feeding program could gain even more respect if drought

CALF’S Featured Lady- Kayla Jesse
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Iowa native Kayla Jesse has traveled several paths on her way to becoming a district supervisor for the Nebraska Brand

Tight Supplies, Strong Demand Signal Steady Prices for 2023
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor Cattle prices appear to remain strong for 2023 due to tight supplies and hopefully continued strong demand that has helped