Tag: Column
Gypsy Wagon – Feb/March 2018
By: Betty Jo Gigot In thinking about our generational theme for this issue, I flashed back to a song or two. In my grandmother’s generation

Keep It Clean Managing Your Bunker
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor What are some feed contaminants that come to your mind, just off the top of your head? Mine include plastics,

The Sale Barn – Foundation of the Cattle Industry
By Blaine Davis, Contributing Editor Sitting on the back deck of my in-laws’ residence, I was still attempting to digest yesterday’s Thanksgiving feast. But, I
Unexpected Role Models
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor There seems to always be a kid whom other kids pick on. It might be that they’re a little bit

The Windy Cow Café | Wildorado, Texas
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor Pen riders are as independent as any ranch cowboy. Probably more so. But there’s one thing nearly all of them
Grass to Plate the Canadian Way
<strong>By Will Verboven, Contributing Editor</strong> Close to 60 percent of Canada’s beef production comes from our prairie provinces, with over 40 percent concentrated in Alberta.

Recollections Dec/Jan 2018
By Betty Jo Gigot, Publisher After jumping from place to place and job to job, all of my adventures culminated in the perfect career when
Political Correctness
By Baxter Black It’s coming! Political correctness in the animal kingdom! I have conferred with those fervent homogenizers of the once-colorful and descriptive English language
Gypsy Wagon Dec/Jan 2018
By: Betty Jo Gigot I don’t think I’ve ever told you folks this, but the reason I love NASCAR is because they march in with

The Antibiotic Dilemma
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Society has been bombarded in recent years with information and speculation regarding antibiotics and bacterial resistance. Regardless of one’s occupation,