Tag: Environment

Environmental Stewardship
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor I have to admit that there is a streak of environmentalist in me. It’s a practical type of environmentalism, but

Carbon Credit Contracts
Look Before You Leap By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Carbon credits. We have heard about them, but really, what are they and what do they

Beware Biden’s 30 by 30 Program
Environmentalists Push America the Beautiful Plan By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Among the many executive orders (EO) President Biden has advanced is EO 14008, “Tackling

What’s the Difference?
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor “Every breed of livestock has at least one valuable feature that is worth preserving.” – Harlan Ritchie, Ph.D., Professor of

The Giles Family and the Kansas Wildfire
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor There are certain things we can do to prepare for a blizzard, not much we can do for a flood

Sustainability Framework Highlights USRSB Conference
By Jim Whitt, Contributing Editor If you ask 100 people what sustainability is, you’ll likely get 100 different answers. So, the task of getting 100

Blue Gold – When planning your operation’s future, water conservation is just as important as financial stability
By Ally McClure, Contributing Editor
In true western Kansas fashion, the wind was blowing a breezy 50 miles per hour during a water conservation meeting Dec. 8, 2017, at the new Hy-Plains Education and Research Center.