Day: August 3, 2018
Gypsy Wagon – Aug./Sept. 2018
By Betty Jo Gigot, Publisher.
One of CALF News’ goals is to take you with us wherever we go, but you will have to roller skate really fast to keep up with the Gypsy Wagon this time. Escaping from the summer heat in Phoenix (it was 114 degrees yesterday) has become a yearly thing and, so far, I’ve had the perfect solution.
Is What You Do Important?
By Jim Whitt, Contributing Editor.
I was on a conference call as part of my preparation for speaking at a staff development meeting for a trade association. The CEO and a couple of senior staff members were on the other end of the line. My parting question was, “What’s the most important thing you want your people to take away from my presentation?”
Trade Issues Loom Again. Will Real Peace Ever Break Out?
By Will Verboven, Contributing Editor.
Many years ago, when I first started writing for this illustrious publication, I recall there were trade issues affecting the cattle and beef business between Canada and the United States.

Little Relief Seen in Price Pressure
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor.
Market analysts from CattleFax and Texas A&M University see fed-cattle prices pushing past $110/cwt. the third and fourth quarters of this year and push $120 in early 2019.

One Health Initiative
By Betty Jo Gigot, Publisher.
On June 21, there was one place to be if your focus was on the future of the cattle industry. The tiny community of Montezuma, Kan., is not exactly a common destination, but that day a host of VIPs graced the Hy-Plains Education & Research Center, along with cattlemen representing over 2.5 million head of livestock. The One Health Initiative seeks to provide “science-based solutions to reduce antibiotic use in food animal production.”

Nextgen: A New Model
By Betty Jo Gigot, Publisher.
The first word that comes to mind when you visit with Nextgen founders is comradery. They’re not only proud of what they’re doing, they’re proud of who they’re doing it with.

Hales Angus Farm: Six Decades of Black Success
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor.
With nearly 60 years in the purebred Angus business, 90-year-old Texan Richmond Hales has seen the breed become a staple for many ranches across the Lone Star State.
Outrunning the Avalanche
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor.
Those of us past our prime, myself included, sometimes (sometimes aggressively) resist the avalanche of new technology that seems to smother every aspect of life.
Castle Walls
By Chris McClure, Contributing Editor.
Safe behind my castle walls I sit with my own thoughts. Of how to keep the demons out that threaten what is mine.