Category: Environment

Feeding Ruminants or Making Energy
By David MacKenzie Contributing Editor One of the highest priorities any government must have is to feed its nation. Food security undoubt-edly came back to

Climate Change – Will It Be Mitigation or Adaptation?
By Will Verboven Contributing Editor Most folks involved in commercial production agriculture have already seen the relentless march of climate change (CC) ideology begin to

TAPS: Not the Forlorn Notes of a Military Bugle
By Blaine Davis Contributing Editor After a hectic day of reviewing a pile of blueprints and concluding with a construction site “walk-about,” I took

HEADS UP: 2024 Weather Rides a Roller Coaster
By Burt Rutherford Contributing Editor Adios El Niño and howdy La Niña. That’s the weather event that will shape, by and large, what happens in

Did You Get the Memo?
By Blaine Davis Contributing Editor I have spent several days recently in various medical waiting rooms in the pursuit of tests and examinations for both

Maximize Rain-Revived Pastures With Sound Fall Range and Pasture Management
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor One of the driest spells ever was broken this spring and summer by drought-busting rain that blessed the Southern Plains
VIABLE ALTERNATIVES- Texas Company Provides Innovative Water Solutions
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Rainfall and groundwater vary widely across our country. Often, eastern areas have more than adequate precipitation. Some Nebraskans can stand

PRIME POINTS: Is Your Operation Prepared for the Next Winter Snowstorm?
By Megan Webb, Ph.D. Contributing Editor Preparing for winter storms is inevitable and doesn’t tend to be the favorite chore among operations, but preparedness is

By Blaine Davis Contributing Editor Looking across the dashboard of my “iron steed,” I discover a switch of uncertain function. Sliding it to the right,
Counter-Intuitive Science Reveals CAFO’s Contribution to Greenhouse Gasses
By Burt Rutherford Contributing Editor Contrary to the emotion-infused debate over cattle’s contribution to greenhouse gas and climate change, confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) aren’t