Category: Management

USDA Feeder Cattle Grades Explained-Here’s What USDA Market News Reporters Do at the Sale Barn
By Burt Rutherford, Contributing Editor “They called ‘em whaat?” That’s an exclamation likely uttered throughout the history of the cattle business by sellers and buyers

Strategies to Manage High Prices and Risk
By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor No matter how high the finished price, marketing fed cattle at a strong profit is rarely easy. Even with low

Animal Health Issues- How to Handle Them
By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor From antibiotics usage to high-tech disease monitoring, there are animal health-oriented products and services that can help cattle producers prevent

Raising the Bar, Then Exceeding It – The 2022 National Beef Quality Audit Showed Improvement, Lost Opportunities
By Burt Rutherford Contributing Editor We’re getting better. A lot better, in fact. But much like a football coach who, even when the team

OUR DAILY LIVES: The Effects of Weather on How We Live
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Weather. It is a broad subject – too broad to write about even in general terms, and too personal to

PRIME POINTS: Is Your Operation Prepared for the Next Winter Snowstorm?
By Megan Webb, Ph.D. Contributing Editor Preparing for winter storms is inevitable and doesn’t tend to be the favorite chore among operations, but preparedness is

ALL IN: Weathering the Storm
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor Charles Marion Russell’s watercolor of a starving cow surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves is one of his most

BEEF-ON-DAIRY SEES MORE VALUE: Southwest Drought Could Round Up More Interest
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor Beef-on-dairy feeding has become popular in recent years. The alternative feeding program could gain even more respect if drought

TO DEFER INCOME OR NOT? Cattle Sold Early Due to Weather Disasters Face Taxing Questions
By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor Drought forced hundreds of Texas producers to truck breeding stock and other cattle to the sale barn last summer. Dry

Producer Owned Beef Packing Plant Launched In Amarillo
By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor There’ve been thousands of cattle deals made in Amarillo. The Ware family’s Amarillo National Bank (ANB) has financed many of