Tag: Industry News
Spring Has Sprung and Beef Is Served
By Megan Webb, Ph.D., Contributing Editor Spring has sprung and, like a new sunset to welcome you each day, you may be delighted to have
Cattle Industry Winter Reboot
2021 CattleFax Outlook Seminar By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Internet technology scored high marks on Feb. 24, as CattleFax went ahead with its annual seminar
Fire Up the Grill
By Walt Barnhart, Contributing Editor There are few silver linings to the COVID-19 cloud that darkened the world over the past year. For the cattle
Cattle Feeders Hall of Fame
Announces 2021 Inductees and Award Winners By Betty Jo Gigot, Publisher The 2021 Cattle Feeder’s Hall of Fame (CFHOF) inductees and award winners were announced
Case Study: One-Dose Custom Pinkeye Vaccine Saves Beef Producers Time and Labor
Producers and veterinarians continue to search for ways to minimize antibiotic use while controlling emerging species of pinkeye bacteria such as Moraxella bovoculi and Mycoplasma
Ranching in Wabaunsee County
Amy Langvardt and Barb Downey, long-time Flint Hills ranchers, discuss the unique balance necessary to preserve the tallgrass prairie. Filmed by Scott Stebner as part
Inappropriate and Unladylike
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor Can you imagine a world without refrigeration? My guess is, we would all be hungry or sick. Yet how many
U.S. CattleTrace
A Voluntary Disease Tracability Program By Gilda V. Bryant, Contributing Editor The COVID-19 virus has shown us just how quickly a pathogen can spread through
Merck Animal Health’s Dr. Angela Baysinger Receives “Feather in Her Cap” Award For Contributions to the Animal Health Industry
Angela Baysinger, DVM, MS, Animal Welfare lead at Merck Animal Health was awarded the 4th Annual Feather in Her Cap Award from the Feather in Her
Happiness Is a Choice
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor As of this writing, Vice President Biden has been elected president of the United States. President Trump is “lawyered up,”