Month: February 2018

Paying It Forward
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor
Families offer security, guidance and love. Fortunate and farsighted families offer a bonus – a legacy. One Kansas family has passed on a legacy of industry service up their family tree to benefit cattle producers everywhere. At its roots stands a strong woman – Jan Lyons.

CALF’S Featured Lady – Annette Siegel
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor
Anyone living in Sherman County, Neb., can attest to the fact that Annette Siegel is one of the hardest-working women in the neighborhood. That’s a remarkable accomplishment considering she was raised a “townie” in the community of David City, some three hours east of the Siegel’s Litchfield ranch.

Bradley 3 Angus Ranch Enters 60th Year
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor
Some argue that the Texas drought of 2011-2014 was worse than the herd-killing one in the 1950s. Minnie Lou Bradley has survived both. Her daughter Mary Lou and son-in-law James Henderson braved the most recent drought with her. Together, the trio is into the ranch’s 60th year of selling prime Angus bulls.

Blue Gold – When planning your operation’s future, water conservation is just as important as financial stability
By Ally McClure, Contributing Editor
In true western Kansas fashion, the wind was blowing a breezy 50 miles per hour during a water conservation meeting Dec. 8, 2017, at the new Hy-Plains Education and Research Center.

Angus Genetics Help Keep the Olsons in the Black
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor
In early January, Steve Olson delivered 55 steers to a local feedyard. It’s something he does nearly every year. Of course, his goal is to profit from added weight when the cattle finish. But he’s also eager to see carcass data

A Little Hard Work and Spanish
By Aly McClure, Contributing Editor
As the debate over immigration policy continues and many have hastily chosen on which side of the line they reside, there is another aspect of the ever-evolving agriculture world that needs to be considered.

The Ahlquist and Ebert Families Threading the Needle
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor
Most farmers and ranchers who have navigated the stormy waters of generational transition will tell you it’s like threading a needle in a dark room – very difficult, with the likelihood of getting hurt.