Month: August 2023

Flatland Philosopher: Going Fishing
Going Fishing Bawling calves and hanging dust That gets in ears and forms a crust Around the nostrils and the lips; The contest has commenced

Marketing With the End Goal in Mind
By Megan Webb, Ph.D. Contributing Editor Envisioning Success When the sun rises, I enjoy starting the coffee pot, turning on the early morning news, reviewing

Where’s the Really Exceptional Beef? – The Stockyard Brighton, Mass.
By Dario Delle Chiaie Contributing Editor Being a Massachusetts native, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting some really great steakhouses over the years while working

Maximize Rain-Revived Pastures With Sound Fall Range and Pasture Management
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor One of the driest spells ever was broken this spring and summer by drought-busting rain that blessed the Southern Plains

Raising the Bar, Then Exceeding It – The 2022 National Beef Quality Audit Showed Improvement, Lost Opportunities
By Burt Rutherford Contributing Editor We’re getting better. A lot better, in fact. But much like a football coach who, even when the team

Beef Empire Days 55 Years and Going Strong
By Betty Jo Gigot Publisher It has it all … a live cattle show, cattle working contest, rodeo and a cattle crawl, along with a

Hope for a Cure Is Focus at Pender Cattlemen’s Ball
By LaRayne Topp Contributing Editor Hip hop moves – smooth as ice – on a style show stage, the whistle of a long black train

All In: Headlong Toward Fall
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor Will green grass and high feed prices delay the fall run? With October known as the “dying month,” should July