Month: December 2017

Outlining the Pillars of Food Policy for a Revitalized Rural Economy
By Lisa Bard, Contributing Editor
Speaking specifically to those Millennials in the audience, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack charged them to “organize, educate, collaborate and advocate”

Johnny Trotter and Bar-G Feedyards – Success in More Ways Than One
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor
Trotter went into the hall during ceremonies in Oklahoma City in March. That was the beginning of a year of high-end events for the co-owner of Bar-G Feedyard.

Fate, Faith & Family
By Aly McClure, Contributing Editor
Purchasing a feedyard right in the middle of a financial downturn isn’t for the faint of heart. But, turning it all over to God and having faith in His plan, the Tiffany brothers not only made it to the other side, but they’re thriving on it.

Communication Means Success
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor
Brian and Codi Mills have a plan. The lesson they convey is that you have to work hard to make it happen, and it takes the whole family to move it forward.

CALF’s Featured Lady – Mandy Raithel
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor
There’s only one accurate word to describe Mandy Raithel: multitalented. Raithel’s abilities are not only many, they span as wide a spectrum as one can imagine.

Backgrounding: The Way to Go
By Gilda V. Bryant, Contributing Editor
Backgrounding is proving to be the way to go for some. Many feedyards pay top dollar for calves that have had quality feed or pasture, a mineral program that includes trace minerals, and been vaccinated.

A Shift in the Wind
By Aly McClure, Contributing Editor
There’s an interesting scent in the air of southwest Kansas, and it’s more than manure. For years, Garden City and the surrounding areas has been a U.S. beef-growing hub, feeding over a million cattle in a 100-mile radius.

2018 Price Outlook – Markets Appear Stable, But Price Volatility Remains
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor
While most closeouts were in the red as 2017 approached its end, small profits were on the horizon for early 2018. But with large cattle numbers keeping feedyards full…

2015 Feedlot Consulting Nutritionist Survey
By Gilda V. Bryant, Contributing Editor
In 2015, New Mexico State University and Texas Tech University beef cattle experts collaborated on a feedlot consulting-nutritionist survey. Twenty-four nutritionists, responsible for rations for over 14 million cattle yearly, completed this comprehensive review.

Dec. 2017 / Jan. 2018
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