Month: August 2022

Education of a Lifetime Part 2
By Patti Wilson, Contributing Editor In the June/July CALF News we took a look at Jess Ebert’s foray into the Kansas Agricultural and Rural Leadership

CALF’s Featured Lady – Carol Jarzynka
By Patti Wilson Contributing Editor Carol Jarzynka is a beacon of hope in her community. The lifelong cattle producer is cancer free for 14 years,

Counter-Intuitive Science Reveals CAFO’s Contribution to Greenhouse Gasses Despite the Science
By Burt Rutherford, Contributing Editor Contrary to the emotion-infused debate over cattle’s contribution to greenhouse gas and climate change, confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) aren’t

Planes and Cows Why Traceability and Planning Matter
By Megan Webb, Ph.D., Contributing Editor HAVE YOU BEEN WASHING your hands and monitoring your health more? Like me, are you tired of the constant

The Future Mash-Up?
By Blaine Davis, Contributing Editor FROM THE INFLATION of my morning coffee to the “not-so-happy- hour” prices at the evening watering hole, the future is

How Gena Orr Burch Fell in Love With Cattle Ranching During Her Adolescence
By Micky Burch, Contributing Editor It was a five-mile descent off The Mountain with nine kids – five Orr children and four from various hired

Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska
By Betty Jo Gigot, Publisher Through the years, the Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska has become a premier event of the summer in Nebraska. Sponsored by

Beef Empire Days Celebrates 54 Years
By Betty Jo Gigot, Publisher There was a carnival, a rodeo and a parade as Garden City, Kan., honored tradition and agriculture in early June,

Baxter Black DVM
Baxter Black DVM By Betty Jo Gigot Publisher For thousands and thousands of movement. I tried several times Edge of Common Sense column, and admirers,
Counter-Intuitive Science Reveals CAFO’s Contribution to Greenhouse Gasses
By Burt Rutherford Contributing Editor Contrary to the emotion-infused debate over cattle’s contribution to greenhouse gas and climate change, confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) aren’t