Tag: Feedyard

It’s All About Perception
By Chris McClure Contributing Editor There is an old marketing adage that says, “perception is reality.” I believe it. In this case at least, my

By Chris McClure Contributing Editor What do you do when the things you have always done no longer seem to work? Do you try something
Tips to Know Before You Buy a Manual Squeeze Chute
As a cattle producer, you understand your cattle from their body language to their behaviors and personalities. You also understand the equipment you use to

By Larry Stalcup Contributing Editor When the Cattle Feeders Hall of Fame (CFHOF) was launched in 2009, only about 150 people attended a small banquet

BEEF-ON-DAIRY SEES MORE VALUE: Southwest Drought Could Round Up More Interest
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor Beef-on-dairy feeding has become popular in recent years. The alternative feeding program could gain even more respect if drought

Custom Feeding Cattle From California to the Carolinas
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor A city on the Missouri River north of Omaha is a far cry from Oklahoma’s largest mesa. But with cattle

Brown Cattle Feeders
A Small Yard with Large Results By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor Sammy Brown learned a long time ago that in order to compete with large-capacity

Johnny Trotter and Bar-G Feedyards – Success in More Ways Than One
By Larry Stalcup, Contributing Editor
Trotter went into the hall during ceremonies in Oklahoma City in March. That was the beginning of a year of high-end events for the co-owner of Bar-G Feedyard.

Fate, Faith & Family
By Aly McClure, Contributing Editor
Purchasing a feedyard right in the middle of a financial downturn isn’t for the faint of heart. But, turning it all over to God and having faith in His plan, the Tiffany brothers not only made it to the other side, but they’re thriving on it.

2015 Feedlot Consulting Nutritionist Survey
By Gilda V. Bryant, Contributing Editor
In 2015, New Mexico State University and Texas Tech University beef cattle experts collaborated on a feedlot consulting-nutritionist survey. Twenty-four nutritionists, responsible for rations for over 14 million cattle yearly, completed this comprehensive review.